Learn excellent traditional culture and enhance the soft power of corporate culture

       China is one of the several ancient countries in the world, with 5000 years of traditional culture. Excellent traditional culture is a shortcut to increase the soft power of a company. KUKACABLE leaders look to the future and decide to organize all employees of the company to learn Chinese traditional culture and strengthen The company’s soft power makes it easier to compete with other companies.

       For kUKACABLE, learning has long become a habit, even a kind of leisure activity. When we come to the company every morning, the first thing we do is to read together "The Analects", "Spring and Autumn", "List of Teachers", etc. Excellent works of traditional Chinese culture. Every weekend, everyone gathers to watch videos of hundreds of forums to learn about ancient Chinese culture and learn the wisdom and thoughts of ancient people. After studying, everyone will read the books or videos they watched today. Discuss, share your own thoughts, and apply the learning results to actual life and work.

       Whether a company has an excellent corporate culture directly determines whether it can gain an advantage in market competition. KUKACABLE hopes to learn the wisdom and ethics of the ancients through learning excellent traditional culture, and establish a brand image with the fine traditions of Chinese clan. Strive hard for the goal of a world-class enterprise.