What is XLPE solar cable?

           XLPE is the abbreviation of the English name of cross-linked polyethylene. Polyethylene has a linear molecular structure and is easily deformed at high temperatures. Polyethylene cross-linking methods include physical cross-linking, that is, radiation cross-linking and chemical cross-linking.

What is  XLPE solar cable?(图1)

           1. Radiation cross-linking: use gamma rays and high-energy rays to irradiate polyethylene products, such as polyethylene sheaths, films, thin-walled tubes and other products coated on wires, to cross-link (production of large polyethylene from scratch molecular). Form the basis of cross-chain CC). The degree of cross-linking is affected by the radiation dose and temperature, and the cross-linking point increases with the increase of the radiation dose. Therefore, by controlling the radiation conditions, a cross-linked polyethylene product with a certain degree of cross-linking can be obtained.

          2. Chemical cross-linking: Chemical cross-linking uses a chemical cross-linking agent to cross-link the polymer, changing from a linear structure to a network structure. The choice of cross-linking agent should depend on the type of polymer, processing technology and product performance. In addition to meeting some specific requirements, the ideal cross-linking agent should also have the following basic requirements: high cross-linking rate and stable cross-linked structure.

The processing safety is great, the use is convenient, the validity period after adding the resin is moderate, there is no disadvantage of premature or late crosslinking; it does not affect the processing performance and use performance of the product; it is non-toxic, non-polluting, and non-irritating to the skin and eyes.