Which is the indirect form of solar energy examples ?

        Every animal and plant world contains indirect plants that use photosynthesis to produce important nutrients, and the process of converting sunlight into chemicals. In addition, fossil fuels, coal and branches are also examples of indirect solar energy.

        Wind energy: When the sun warms the atmosphere, it lifts the air, and cold air occupies this position, so this air circulation causes wind.

Which is the indirect form of solar energy examples ?(图1)

        Fossil fuels, natural gas, oil, and coal, like these sediments of the main dead organisms, plants and trees that store energy through solar photosynthesis, were underground long ago and are now extracted.

        Biomass (plants) Plants obtain energy from the sun through photosynthesis, which is used for biogas and biomass.

Rain water is evaporated by the heat of the sun and condenses into clouds. Then it is designed as rain and snow on the mountain, and these rain and snow fall with potential energy and become hydroelectric power plants and hydroelectric power plants.

        Direct solar energy is an energy source that can be directly produced by the sun through this process. The energy of the sun can be directly produced in various forms. Photovoltaic solar cells receive sunlight and convert it into electrical energy. Every facility or wilderness in the world contains indirect solar energy.