Solar thermal power plants 's Methods of collecting solar energy

(1) Trough solar energy production.

Hollow power generation is the first commercial solar thermal power generation system. Use large-area single-axis slit solar tracking solar panels to focus the sun. Sunlight gathers on a linear receiver installed at the focal point of the parabolic mirror. Then, it heats the heat transfer fluid circulating in the receiver. Evaporate heat transfer fluid. At the same time, high-pressure superheated steam is generated in the heat exchanger in the energy zone. It is then sent to a conventional steam turbine generator for power generation.


Solar thermal power plants s Methods of collecting solar energy (图1)

(2) Solar cell power generation.

Parabolic power generation is currently the most effective photovoltaic system using solar energy. Therefore, it can become the cheapest photovoltaic system. It uses two-axis tracking technology, uses a set of reflectors to collect sunlight, and uses receivers for effective heat conversion work. Then, it uses conventional generators to generate electricity. The receiving surface of the receiver is usually placed behind the focal point to reduce severe thermal melting.

(3) Solar tower power generation.

Solar tower power generation is also called high-temperature thermal solar power generation. A series of heliostats are used to track the sunlight separately, concentrate the sunlight on the energy converter (receiver) at the top of the tower, and transfer the heat to the coolant through energy conversion. Since the tower solar power system has a large number of heliostats, the tower solar power system uses heliostats to reflect and focus sunlight. Therefore, high output power can be generated.