solar thermal power plant's Overview of the power generation system

        Solar photovoltaic power generation system is a power generation system that uses solar cells made of the principle of photovoltaic effect to directly convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy.

solar thermal power plants Overview of the power generation system   (图1)

        During the day, when the photovoltaic cell module receives sunlight, it generates electron-hole pairs (photo-generated carriers) with opposite polarities in its semiconductor. These carriers are separated by the electrostatic field generated by the semiconductor p-n junction and collected by the positive and negative electrodes of the photovoltaic cell. At the same time, current is generated in the external circuit to obtain electrical energy. Part of the electric energy is supplied to the DC or AC load, and the other part of the excess electric energy is charged to the battery through the reverse charging diode. At night or in rainy days, when the photovoltaic modules cannot work, the battery pack provides DC or AC loads to work