Key points of solar cable laying

Different layouts of photovoltaic modules have a certain impact on the number of solar cables. Excellent laying design not only saves the area occupied by photovoltaic panels and combiner boxes in the photovoltaic field but also greatly reduces the number of photovoltaic cables. The amount of special solar cables in photovoltaic projects is huge, and many problems need to be paid attention to during the laying process.

1. Check before cable laying

The cable-type voltage and specifications meet the design requirements; the appearance has no mechanical damage, and the insulation is good; the laying path meets the design requirements; the end of the cross-linked polyethylene cable is sealed reliably and tightly. There is no water or sinking in the direct-buried cable laying site.

2. Cable laying process

The photovoltaic bending radius should meet the requirements of the specification; the cables are arranged neatly and the bends are consistent and try to avoid crossing; the cable signs are correct and clear. The AC single-core cables are laid on the brackets on the same side, and the three-phase cables are laid in the steel pipe through one pipe. The laying depth of directly buried cables should meet the design specifications. The distance between the surface and the ground without design should not be less than 700mm, and should not be less than 1000mm when passing through farmland. The arrangement of AC single-core cables should meet the design requirements.

3. Cable fixing

The distance between the supporting points of the photovoltaic cable meets the design requirements, and the cable fixing strength is firm; the AC single-core cable fixing fixture has no closed magnetic circuit.

4. After the cable laying inspection

Check that cable trenches, tunnels, shafts, buildings, and coiled cable entrances are well enclosed. The upper and lower parts of the directly buried cables should be spread to no less than 100mm thick soft soil or sandy soil, and the upper part should be covered with a protective plate and its covering width should exceed 50mm on both sides of the cable; the directly buried cables should be every 50-100 meters in the straight section, The marking piles at the cable joints and turning prescriptions are clear and complete. Directly buried cable backfill soil should be concealed and accepted, and the backfill should be compacted in layers; the azimuth marker pile should be clearly fixed and not easy to fall off.