Overview of the development of PV1-F twin solar cable technology

      Solar power generation is also called "photovoltaic power generation". Simply put, it is based on the principle of photovoltaic effect, using solar cells to directly convert solar energy into electrical energy. More importantly, the solar photovoltaic system can generate electricity on both sunny and cloudy days. Compared with the traditional thermal power method, the advantage of solar photovoltaic power generation is to reduce the emission of carbon and sulfur compounds, thereby effectively reducing the greenhouse effect. on the other hand. As a resource, solar energy has the advantage of "inexhaustible and inexhaustible", which is unmatched by traditional fossil energy.

      From the perspective of technical conditions, foreign photovoltaic power generation technology has a history of more than 30 years. It has become mature, and some of these countries have constructed solar power generation networks to realize the civilian use of solar power generation. At present, China's solar cell manufacturing process is very close to the internationally developed level.

      The environmentally friendly cable for solar photovoltaic system is a PV1-F twin solar cable used in the solar photovoltaic system from the photovoltaic cell to the DC terminal of the photovoltaic converter. It is an important component of photovoltaic equipment and serves as a power transmission for solar photovoltaic power generation facilities. The backbone of the solar photovoltaic power generation system is directly related to the safety, reliability and advancement of the solar photovoltaic power generation system. For the special environment of PV1-F twin solar cable installation and laying, the cable is required to be flame-retardant, oil-proof, anti-sun aging, anti-acid and alkali, etc., and should also have environmentally friendly performance.