The global development prospects of solar extension cables

      In the 1950s, with the development of aerospace science and technology, photovoltaic technology began to take off, and then it approached maturity in the 1970s. However, due to the high cost, photovoltaic technology was only used in a few high-tech fields such as spacecraft, and could not be used in industry or civilian applications. Field use.


      The development of everything requires a suitable environment, and the same goes for photovoltaics.


      The first global oil crisis that occurred in the late 1970s caused some countries to focus on alternative energy sources to photovoltaic technology, and then CSP attracted attention again. This is exactly how photovoltaics and photovoltaics began around the 1980s. A history of parallel development of thermal power generation. The construction of the 300-megawatt CSP plant that is still in operation in California began in 1982.


      However, due to high costs, the first wave of global solar energy utilization experiments ended with the lifting of the oil crisis.


      However, it is precisely this wave of large-scale attempts that not only left some projects still in operation, but also preset a technical route for the large-scale development of photovoltaic technology in the new century.


      To a certain extent, aerospace science and technology represents the future development direction of social science and technology. Therefore, from the point of view that solar energy has been used as energy source since humans sent spacecraft into outer space, solar energy will occupy a very important position in the energy choices of the future society.


      In addition, photovoltaic technology derived from semiconductor technology also has a wealth of theoretical foundation, technical foundation and practical experience. At the same time, with the support of the huge global semiconductor industry, photovoltaic technology has a resource base and practical capabilities for rapid industrialization.


      Therefore, the position of the photovoltaic industry today is the inevitability of technological development and the inevitability of history. Therefore, solar cables will also become the main industry direction in the future.