Photovoltaic power generation classification

      1. Independent photovoltaic power generation  

      Independent photovoltaic power generation is also called off-grid photovoltaic power generation. It is mainly composed of solar cell components, controllers, and batteries. If you want to supply power to the AC load, you also need to configure an AC inverter. Independent photovoltaic power plants include power supply systems for villages in remote areas, solar household power systems, communication signal power supplies, cathodic protection, solar street lights, and other photovoltaic power generation systems with batteries that can operate independently.

     2. Grid-connected photovoltaic power generation  

      Grid-connected photovoltaic power generation means that the direct current generated by solar modules is converted into alternating current that meets the requirements of the mains power grid by a grid-connected inverter and then directly connected to the public grid. It can be divided into grid-connected power generation systems with and without batteries. The grid-connected power generation system with storage battery is schedulable and can be merged into or out of the grid as needed. It also has the function of backup power supply, which can provide emergency power when the grid is out of power. Photovoltaic grid-connected power generation systems with batteries are often installed in residential buildings; grid-connected power generation systems without batteries do not have the functions of dispatchability and backup power, and are generally installed on larger systems.